
The Link is a reference to another page or resource. The actual link to the reference is hidden under the text. When users interact with the link, they are directed to the linked component.



This is the text displayed to the user as the link. It will redirect to the target resource when the user clicks the link.


This is the address of the target reference the link is pointing to, and it is usually a web URL string. It is advised to keep the target element active and live.


Event Handlers




Disables the user interaction with the element on the page. It visually indicates that the element is inactive and prevents users from interacting with it when applied.


This sets whether the widget has to be displayed on the screen when the program is loaded. This shows/hides the widget both on desktop and mobile devices.


It will be useful when there is a process to be carried out, like running a query to fetch data, before the widget is loaded. The loading boolean value can be utilized to show the spinner till the process is complete.



Tooltips display additional information upon mouse hover. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative. The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves.


Prefix Icon

Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a prefix logo, just before the logo text.

Suffix Icon

Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a suffix logo, just after the logo text.




Users can change the colour of the text background using this property. It has all the RGB colour ranges to pick from. It is recommended to use a corresponding background colour that shows the font clearly.


This is the colour of the shadow that is generated behind the text. The X and Y axis values can be altered such that the shadow will be set to fall anywhere behind the text area.


Set the colour of the text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background.

Hover text

The colour of the text shown when users move the mouse over the text.

Active text

It changes the appearance of a link while it is being activated (being clicked on or otherwise activated). It is usually seen for a split second and provides visual feedback that the element was indeed clicked.

Loader Color

Pick the colour to the loading spinner when the component shows the loader before getting displayed.

Text Transform

This property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. MDN web docs

Text Decoration

This property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. Types are "underline", "overline", "line-though", "overline-underline".

Text Size

Set the size of the text in px value - 12px

Text Weight

Increase or decrease the thickness of the font using the list of numbers from 100-800.

Font Family

Type the name of the font family. The reference to the list of font families can be found here: MDN web docs

Font Style

There are 3 types of styles that can be applied: "normal" - The text is shown normally, no style applied. "italic" - The text is cursive. "oblique" - A sloped version of the normal text.

Border Color

Set the colour to the border lines. The border lines will be shown only if that is enabled.


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and the content of the widget.


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and outer elements.

Border Radius

This sets the radius of the widget's corners, enabling rounded corners on the widget. This value is defined in "px" terms.

Border Width

Set the thickness of the border of the widget using this value. It is defined using "px" terms.


"Never" - Specifies the widget not to show the underline. "On hover" - Specifies the widget to underline the text on mouse hover. "Always" - Sets the underline below the text all the time.

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