Data Pinning

Data can be saved during workflow development by pinning it. This means storing the output of a node and using it instead of fetching new data in future executions.

When processing data obtained from external sources, this tool eliminates the need for constant interaction with the external system, ultimately resulting in time and resource efficiencies.


If your process automation is dependent on an external mechanism for activation, such as a webhook request, the capability to pin data allows you to avoid relying on the external system for each iteration of testing the workflow.

During tests, if the external resource is subject to data or usage restrictions, it is advisable to pin the data in order to prevent exceeding those limitations.

You have the ability to retrieve and mark the data needed for testing purposes, ensuring that the data remains uniform across all phases of your workflow testing.

Pin data

To pin data in a node:

  1. Run the node to load data.

Unpin data

Data pinning is not possible for production workflow runs. It is specifically designed to assist in testing workflows while they are being developed. You can't pin data if the output data includes binary data.

Last updated