Appizap Concepts

The concept section provides a detailed explanation of the fundamental definitions of the various components that make up the product.

This section defines each conceptual element of Appizap, and how they contribute to the overall functionality of the product. The section aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts that form the foundation of the product. It breaks down complex ideas into simpler terms, making it easier for readers to grasp the essence of each element.

This enhanced understanding fosters a more efficient and productive partnership between users and the product. By providing insight into the concepts and features of the product, it enables users to maximize the benefits and potential of the product in their activities.


Widgets are foundational components used for application development, acting as pre-determined elements that can be easily placed on the canvas through drag-and-drop action.

Widgets allow users to easily put together a fully operational and visually attractive application without the need to start coding from the beginning. With the help of widgets, users can save time and effort during the development process. These pre-built components can be customized to meet specific requirements and preferences, making it easier for users to create a unique and customized application.

Refer to Widgets for more information.


Apizap's CSS feature provide simple and effective methods to improve the overall look and user experience of your project.

Enhancing the visual appearance of your application can make it more engaging and user-friendly for your audience. Appizap offers a user-friendly interface for styling components, making it easy for users of all skill levels to customize the appearance of their application.

Appizap offers a solution that allows for consistent and cohesive styling across all applications, while also offering a distinct approach to customizing the appearance of individual apps.

Refer to Themes and Styles for more information.

Data Browser

Acts as a user-friendly tool that provides a visual interface for users to access information pertaining to each individual element found within the application.

Users can access and observe the data associated with the user interface components and the corresponding backend queries simultaneously. This capability enables users to effectively diagnose and resolve issues. The data browser section presents global information, including the current user's details.

In general, it functions as a valuable tool for users to comprehend and oversee their application usage in real-time.

Refer to Data Browser for more information.


Events are triggered by actions like button clicks or query completion. They can be linked to perform a series of operations.

Establishing event handlers to control triggers and corresponding responses is a simple and direct task within Appizap. For example, when creating an event that is activated by clicking a button, you can easily access the button component's settings, select the option for a new event handler, and proceed to specify the particular event and action to be executed.

Refer to Events for more information.

Imagine you have a situation where data needs to be updated upon a user clicking a button, and you also wish to show a notification when the data refresh is successful. With Appizap, you have the ability to set up an event that initiates the data refresh upon button click, and then configure another event to prompt a notification once the data refresh process is successfully executed.


Actions serve as multifaceted functions that can be activated by various events occurring within an application.

Depending on how users engage with the app, actions can be customized to showcase notifications, execute searches, navigate between different pages, and carry out a variety of other functions.

In addition to these key actions, Appizap also provides options for users to navigate seamlessly between different Appizap apps, effectively manage modals for improved user interaction, copy text to the clipboard for quick sharing, set temporary state value for data persistence, and create downloadable files from application data for easy access and sharing.

Refer to Actions for more information.


The concept of developing modules is one of the key plans behind Appizap architecture.

Developing and reusing modules for the same functionality among various apps is a strategic approach that can streamline the app development process and can improve maintainability of the code.

By modularizing the code, developers can easily implement the same features in different apps without starting from scratch each time. This helps streamline the development process and maintain consistency across different projects.

Refer to Module for more information.


Queries serve as a link between applications and data sources. They allow interaction with databases or APIs to retrieve or modify data in response to events, making applications dynamic.

Query Library helps you to define queries from Appizap dashboard. The Query Library stores and provides access to all queries. New queries can be created to connect to established data sources for easy information retrieval.

Refer to Query Library and Data Queries for more information.

Data Sources

Data sources are important for accessing and exchanging data from various sources like databases, APIs, and services. Configured data sources can be used across all apps in a workspace.

In addition to its own internal database, Appizap offers compatibility with various external data sources that fall into three main categories: databases, external APIs, and services. These external data sources allow users to access a wide range of information and integrate it seamlessly into their applications.

Refer to Data Sources for more information.


Javascript allows users to create and run personalized code within their applications, offering a versatile method to incorporate logic and engage with diverse components.

The JavaScript code you create has the capability to engage with different elements of the Appizap application. One illustration of this is the ability to assign an event handler to a button, which upon clicking, activates the execution of the JS code.

Refer to Javascript for more information.

Component Specific Actions

Component specific actions are the actions that are exclusive actions for a particular component. They can be triggered either through the event handlers or using low-code.

They can be initiated and executed through event handlers, which are functions that respond to specific user actions or events within the application, or through the use of a low-code platform, which allows users to create applications with minimal coding requirements.

Refer to Component Specific Actions for more information,.

Access Values

Double curly braces {{}} serves the purpose of retrieving data obtained from queries, extracting information associated with components, and executing custom code

By incorporating custom JavaScript code within double curly braces, you have the ability to manipulate various aspects of your app. This allows you to precisely control colors, activate or deactivate properties, and implement other interactive elements on your app.

Refer to Javascript within {{}} for more information.

{{ == "" ? true : false}}

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