Allows the end user to enter free-form text and it accepts a single line of text. When the user clicks on the text input, the cursor is enabled, indicating the user can begin typing.
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Allows the end user to enter free-form text and it accepts a single line of text. When the user clicks on the text input, the cursor is enabled, indicating the user can begin typing.
Last updated
Enter the default string to be displayed when the widget is loaded. This can also be retrieved from the backend using query or loaded using low-code.
Specifies a hint that describes the expected value. The placeholder shows the hint text in the widget when nothing is selected or entered. This text disappears as soon as a value is entered in the control.
Represents the caption for the widget in the user interface. It is recommended to keep the label string short and convey the usage of the widget in the UI
This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the label area of the widget. This is commonly used to provide some extra or important information to the user on the usage of the widget. The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.
Property | Description |
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Property | Description |
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Enter a number value to set the width of the widget. It can be set in terms of pixels and percentage.
Event | Description |
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This sets whether the widget has to be displayed on the screen when the program is loaded. This shows/hides the widget both on desktop and mobile devices.
Auto | The height is auto-adjusted for the content |
Fixed | The height of the widget is fixed |
This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the input area of the widget. It is commonly used to hint at the type of input the user needs to provide. The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.
Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a prefix logo, just before the logo text.
Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a suffix logo, just after the logo text.
Dynamically counts the number of characters entered in the widget input area and displays the count at the end of the widget area. This will help the user review the quantity of the content.
Displays a small 'x' type button at the end of the widget, which helps the user to clear out the previous entries and selections.
Makes the entire widget disabled, and denies users any action over the element. It is grayed out for users' view to show it is read-only.
Refers to the field that must be completed by the user, which means the field must be entered with a valid value before submitting the information.
Value | Description |
Text | Denotes the normal string of characters |
Denotes the string must be in the 'email address' format | |
URL | Denotes the string must be in the web address format |
Regex | Denotes the regular expression string and the value entered by the user must satisfy the regex format. For example - consider this regex:
This validates: (1) If the entered value starts with alphabets and not numbers (2) If the length of the string is more than 8 characters and less than 30 characters |
Enter the value for a minimum number of characters to be allowed, for example - 20. This means that the widget must have a minimum length of 20 characters to be entered by the user. The program will automatically validate the user input against the specified constraint. If the user input does not meet this constraint, it will show an error and the user will need to enter a valid value.
Enter the value for a maximum number of characters in the field, for example - 250. This means that the widget must not exceed the maximum length of 250 characters. The program will automatically validate the user input against the specified constraint. If the user input exceeds the limit, it stops the keyboard entry into the widget.
Apart from validating the entry using the regex rule, users can also use this property to write low-code and check other aspects. For example - check if the city selected in the previous field matches the desired value, throw a custom message to the user even before capturing the entry on this field.
Property | Description |
Label | Set the colour for the label text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background. |
Box Shadow | The is the colour of the shadow that is generated behind the widget box. The X and Y axis values can be altered such that the shadow can be set to fall anywhere behind the widget area. "x-offset" - a positive number specifies the shadow will be on the right of the box, and a negative number will put the shadow on the left of the box. "y-offset" - a negative one means the shadow will be above the box, and a positive number means the shadow will be below the box. "Blur" - if the number is set to 0 then the shadow will be sharp. It will more blurred as the number goes higher, and the shadow will extend further away. "Color" - sets the colour of the shadow. If the colour is not set, the box shadows are drawn in the foreground colour. |
Background | Users can change the colour of the text background using this property. It has all the RGB colour ranges to pick from. It is recommended to use a corresponding background colour that shows the font clearly. |
Text | Set the colour of the text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background. |
Loader Color | Pick the colour to the loading spinner when the component shows the loader before getting displayed. |
Text Transform | This property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. MDN web docs |
Text Decoration | This property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. Types are "underline", "overline", "line-though", "overline-underline". |
Text Size | Set the size of the text in px value - 12px |
Text Weight | Increase or decrease the thickness of the font using the list of numbers from 100-800. |
Font Family | Type the name of the font family. The reference to the list of font families can be found here: MDN web docs |
Font Style | There are 3 types of styles that can be applied: "normal" - The text is shown normally, no style applied. "italic" - The text is cursive. "oblique" - A sloped version of the normal text. |
Border Color | Set the colour to the border lines. The border lines will be shown only if that is enabled. |
Margin | This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and the content of the widget. |
Padding | This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and outer elements. |
Border Radius | This sets the radius of the widget's corners, enabling rounded corners on the widget. This value is defined in "px" terms. |
Border Width | Set the thickness of the border of the widget using this value. It is defined using "px" terms. |
Accent | An accent is a typically bright colour that contrasts with the more utilitarian background and foreground colours within a colour scheme. These are present in the visual style of many platforms (though not all). On the web, an accent is sometimes used in input elements for the active portion of the control, for instance, the background of a checked checkbox. MSDN web docs |
Validation Message | Set the colour of the validation text message. Recommended to set in contrast with the background, usually Red. |
Shows the label on the left side of the tree view
Shows the label on top of the tree view
Align the text on the left corner of the label area
Align the text on the right corner of the label area near the tree view
The "Change" event is activated when the value of the widget is changed. When this event triggers, the associated action gets executed.
This event is triggered when the widget receives focus, meaning it becomes the active element that can accept user input.
This event occurs when the user shifts the focus out of the widget. This can happen in different scenarios, such as when a user clicks outside an input widget they were typing in or when the user tabs to another field.
This event will be triggered when the user finishes entering the input and shifts focus away.