Date Range

This widget allows the user to select a date range, using the start and end date inputs. It will enable the users to determine the range and help the users to pick the value within the range.


Start Date

Enter the date that should be the starting value for the range set. The users will not be able to pick any value before this date.

End Date

Enter the date that should be the ending value for the range set. The users will not be able to pick any value after this date.


Required Field

Refers to the field that must be completed by the user, which means the field must be entered with a valid value before submitting the information.

Disable Past Dates

Restricts the users from entering any dates before the current day

Disable Future Dates

Restricts the users from entering any dates after the current day

Minimum Date

The value set here will be the minimum date the users can enter or pick on the widget. Any date before this value will not be accepted.

Maximum Date

The value set here will be the maximum date the users can enter or pick on the widget. Any date after this value will not be accepted.

Custom Rule

Apart from validating the entry using the regex rule, users can also use this property to write low-code and check other aspects. For example - check if the city selected in the previous field matches the desired value, throw a custom message to the user even before capturing the entry on this field.

Disabled Dates

Users can provide a set of disabled dates here which will make those specific dates read-only and cannot be selected.


Event Handlers






Disables the user interaction with the element on the page. It visually indicates that the element is inactive and prevents users from interacting with it when applied. Shows a red-crossed warning symbol and can be customized to disable the widget according to certain conditions using low-code.


This sets whether the widget has to be displayed on the screen when the program is loaded. This shows/hides the widget both on desktop and mobile devices.


Represents the caption for the widget in the user interface. It is recommended to keep the label string short and convey the usage of the widget in the UI


This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the label area of the widget. This is commonly used to provide some extra or important information to the user on the usage of the widget.

The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.










Enter a number value to set the width of the widget. It can be set in terms of pixels and percentage.



Input the format string in this field and parse the widget value to the required date format. Refer to the following link for more details - Day.js


Specifies a hint that describes the expected value. The placeholder shows the hint text in the widget when nothing is selected or entered. This text disappears as soon as a value is entered in the control.

Widget Tooltip

This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the input area of the widget. It is commonly used to hint at the type of input the user needs to provide.

The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.


Show Time

Displays the time-column which allows users to pick the time value along with the date. It has hour, minute and second meters.

Hour Step

Enter the minimum and maximum numbers for the hour limit. It can be from 0 to 23.

Minute Step

Enter the minimum and maximum numbers for the minute limit. It can be from 0 to 59.

Second Step

Enter the minimum and maximum numbers for the second limit. It can be from 0 to 59.

Use 12-Hour Format

The format for the time section of the widget will be parsed using the 'AM/PM' format instead of '24 hour' format.

Suffix Icon

Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a suffix logo, just after the logo text.




Set the colour for the label text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background.


Users can change the colour of the text background using this property. It has all the RGB colour ranges to pick from. It is recommended to use a corresponding background colour that shows the font clearly.

Border Color

Set the colour to the border lines. The border lines will be shown only if that is enabled.

Border Radius

This sets the radius of the widget's corners, enabling rounded corners on the widget. This value is defined in "px" terms.


Set the colour of the text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background.


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and the content of the widget.


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and outer elements.


An accent is a typically bright colour that contrasts with the more utilitarian background and foreground colours within a colour scheme. These are present in the visual style of many platforms (though not all).

On the web, an accent is sometimes used in input elements for the active portion of the control, for instance, the background of a checked checkbox. MSDN web docs

Validation Message

Set the colour of the validation text message. Recommended to set in contrast with the background, usually Red.

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