These functionalities are easily accessible within the platform as they are pre-installed features. They are integrated directly into the system for convenient use.
Required. A String value that specifies the ID of the app to open.
queryParams: {'key1':'value1',key2:'value2',...}
Optional. An Object that specifies query parameters to pass into the app. The query parameters are added to the app URL in the form of ?key1=value1&key2=value2&...
Optional. An Object that specifies hash parameters to pass into the app. The hash parameters are added to the app URL in the form of #key1=value1&key2=value2&...
Optional. A Boolean value that, when True, specifies the url is to open in a new tab. The default value is True.
// Example: Open an Appizap app in a new tab.
utils.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb888f6c0", { newTab: true })
// Example: Open an Appizap app and pass in "id" parameter.
utils.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb888f6c0", {
queryParams: { "id": },
} )
Required. A String or Object that specifies the data to download from queries, components, transformers, etc.
Required. A String value that specifies the name of the file to download.
Optional. A String value that specifies the type of the file to download. All MIME types are supported.
Optional. A String value that specifies the type of the data: "url" or "base64".
// Example: Download the base64 data from a file component as a PNG file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(file1.value[0], "users-data", {
fileType: "png",
dataType: "base64",
// Example: Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(, "users-data", { fileType: "xlsx" })
// or in this way:
utils.downloadFile(, "users-data.xlsx")
// Example: Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(, "users-data", {
fileType: "xlsx",
dataType: "base64",
Copy a string to clipboard.
// Syntax
utils.copyToClipboard( text: string )
Required. A String value that specifies the content to copy.
// Example: Copy the content of input component to clipboard.
utils.copyToClipboard( input1.value )
message - global notification
Use message methods to send a global alert notification, which displays at the top of the screen and lasts for 3 seconds by default. Each of the following four methods supports a unique display style.
Use toast methods to send a notification, which displays at the top of the screen and lasts for 3 seconds by default. Each of the following five methods supports a unique display style. After 3 toasts they will be stacked.
The id field can be used to update previous toasts. Or used to destroy the previous toast.
Destroy function used without an id will remove all toast.
// title: string, options?: { message?: string, duration?: number = 3, id?: string, placement?: "top" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottom" | "bottomRight", "bottomRight" = "bottomRight", dismissible?: boolean = true } )"This Is a Notification", {message: "I do not go away automatically.", duration: 0})
// title: string, options?: { message?: string, duration?: number = 3, id?: string, placement?: "top" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottom" | "bottomRight", "bottomRight" = "bottomRight", dismissible?: boolean = true } )"Order #1519", {message: "Shipped out on Tuesday, Jan 3rd.", duration: 5})
// toast.success( title: string, options?: { message?: string, duration?: number = 3, id?: string, placement?: "top" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottom" | "bottomRight", "bottomRight" = "bottomRight", dismissible?: boolean = true } )
toast.success("Query runs successfully", { duration: 10 })
// toast.warn( title: string, options?: { message?: string, duration?: number = 3, id?: string, placement?: "top" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottom" | "bottomRight", "bottomRight" = "bottomRight", dismissible?: boolean = true } )
toast.warn("Duplicate Action", {message: "The email was previously sent on Jan 3rd. Click the button again to send.", duration: 5})
// toast.error( title: string, options?: { message?: string, duration?: number = 3, id?: string, placement?: "top" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottom" | "bottomRight", "bottomRight" = "bottomRight", dismissible?: boolean = true } )
toast.error("Your credentials were invalid", {message: "You have 5 tries left", duration: 5})
//toast.destroy(id?: string)
Use localStorage methods to store and manage key-value pair data locally, which is not reset when the app refreshes, and can be accessed in any app within the workspace using localStorage.values.
setItem(key: string, value: any)
Store a key-value pair.
removeItem(key: string)
Delete a key-value pair.
Clear all data in localStorage.
You can access any key-value pair in local storage using localStorage.values. in JavaScript queries.
Inspect the data in localStorage in Globals in the data browser.
Store a key-value pair.
// Syntax
localStorage.setItem(key: string, value: any)
// Example
localStorage.setItem("order", select1.value)
Delete a key-value pair.
// Syntax
localStorage.removeItem(key: string)
// Example