
Utilize workflow history to access and recover past iterations of your workflow processes.

Appizap Workflow Builder creates a new version when you:

  • Save your workflow.

  • Restore an old version. Appizap Workflow Builder saves the latest version before restoring.

  • Pull from a Git repository using Source control. Note that Appizap Workflow Builder saves versions to the instance database, not to Git.

Workflow history is not the same as the list of Workflow-level executions." Executions are workflow runs. The executions list shows previous runs of the current workflow version. Copy previous executions to debug and re-run in your current workflow. Workflow history shows past versions of the workflow, such as versions with different nodes or parameter settings.

View workflow history

To view a workflow's history:

  1. Open the workflow.

  2. Choose "Workflow History". An options menu will be displayed by Appizap Workflow Builder, showcasing the saved versions of the workflow along with a preview of the version that has been selected.

Restore or Copy previous versions

  1. On the version you want to restore or copy, select Options .

  2. Choose what you want to do:

    • Restore this version: replace your current workflow with the selected version.

    • Clone to new workflow: create a new workflow based on the selected version.

    • Open version in new tab: open a second tab displaying the selected version. Use this to compare versions.

    • Download: download the version as JSON.

Last updated