
Allows the users to set a value by moving the indicator horizontally between the min and max values. This can be used to filter results, and set values such as volume, brightness, etc.


Default Value

Enter the default number to decide the value when the widget is loaded. This can also be retrieved from the backend using query or loaded using low-code.


Provide the number that decides the maximum value the widget will show to the users, and they cannot type or enter any value beyond this number.


Provide the number that decides the minimum value the widget will show to the users, and they cannot type or enter any value lower than this number.


The value must be greater than 0 and divisible by Maximum and Minimum. When the user drags the slider forward, this number will be added to the current number and vice versa when the user slides backward.


Event Handlers




Disables the user interaction with the element on the page. It visually indicates that the element is inactive and prevents users from interacting with it when applied. Shows a red-crossed warning symbol and can be customized to disable the widget according to certain conditions using low-code.


This sets whether the widget has to be displayed on the screen when the program is loaded. This shows/hides the widget both on desktop and mobile devices.


Represents the caption for the widget in the user interface. It is recommended to keep the label string short and convey the usage of the widget in the UI


This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the label area of the widget. This is commonly used to provide some extra or important information to the user on the usage of the widget.

The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.










Enter a number value to set the width of the widget. It can be set in terms of pixels and percentage.


Prefix Icon

Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a prefix logo, just before the slider.

Suffix Icon

Choose one from the set of icons that will be displayed as a suffix logo, just after the slider.

Widget Tooltip

This tooltip pops up when the user moves the mouse over the input area of the widget. It is commonly used to hint at the type of input the user needs to provide.

The tooltip will be immediately shown when the user's mouse hovers over the widget, and immediately hides when the user's mouse leaves. This information will be contextual, useful, and informative.




Set the colour for the label text. Recommended to set in contrast with the background.


This property is for choosing the colour to fill the shape.

Thumb Border

Represents the border colour of the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of the widget to alter its numerical value. MDN web docs


Represents the colour of the "thumb" that the user can move within the "groove" of the widget to alter its numerical value. MDN web docs


Represents the colour of the "track" the groove in which the indicator slides of the widget. MDN web docs


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and the content of the widget.


This value is set in terms of "px" number which creates the space between the border and outer elements.

Last updated