Data Queries

Queries support you to read data from or write data to your data sources. You can create queries while editing an app or in the query library. This tutorial walks you through how to create a query and tailor it to your needs.

Create a query

The UI of query editor varies when you choose different types of data sources. Below is an example of a connection to a PostgreSQL database and a corresponding statement.

Note that, at least one data source must be available to connect the data queries. Refer to Data Sources for more information.

Appizap evaluates your query statement with JavaScript code inside {{ }} in real-time, and the result is displayed below in a floating box, so you can use it to check the correctness of the query statement.

Trigger when

Appizap triggers your queries in two modes, either run automatically when inputs change or on page load, or manually invoked in event handlers.

Inputs change or on page load

Queries set to this mode automatically run when dependent inputs change or on page load. For example, the query result of select * from users where customer_id = {{input.value}} updates immediately when input.value changes. **** This mode to run a query is recommended for queries reading data from data sources.

Manually invoked

For this mode of queries, they run only with your manual trigger, such as a button or link click. You need to specify an event handler to trigger the query. This mode is recommended for queries writing data to data sources, because you may need to confirm that the input is complete and error-free before running it.

How to choose a query's trigger mode?

In most cases, queries reading data, like select operations, can be set to the former mode, and those writing data, like create/delete/update operations, run the latter way.

When Appizap detects your query statement switches from reading to writing data, the trigger mode switches to Manually invoked automatically, but not the other way around.

Notification tab and Advanced tab

In notification and advanced tabs, you can configure settings regarding notifications, timeout, periodic run, and more. Settings in Notification tab and Advanced vary based on trigger mode of your query.

TabSettingsInputs change or on page loadManually invoked


Display a Success message after running


Display a Failure message after running


Display a confirmation modal before running


Set timeout for query running

Perform query periodically


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