Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes allow you to annotate and comment on your workflows.

Appizap Workflow Builder recommends using Sticky Notes heavily, especially on template workflows, to help other users understand your workflow.

Create a Sticky Note

Sticky Notes are a core node. To add a new Sticky Note:

  1. Open the nodes panel.

  2. Search for note.

  3. Click the Sticky Note node. Appizap Workflow Builder adds a new Sticky Note to the canvas.

Edit a Sticky Note

  1. Double click the Sticky Note you want to edit.

  2. Write your note. This guide explains how to format your text with Markdown. Appizap Workflow Builder uses markdown-it, which implements the CommonMark specification.

  3. Click away from the note, or press Esc, to stop editing.

Change the color

To change the Sticky Note color:

  1. Hover over the Sticky Note

Sticky Note positioning

You can:

  • Drag a Sticky Note anywhere on the canvas.

  • Drag Sticky Notes behind nodes. You can use this to visually group nodes.

  • Resize Sticky Notes by hovering over the edge of the note and dragging to resize.

Writing in Markdown

Sticky Notes support Markdown formatting. This section describes some common options.

The text in double asterisks will be **bold**

The text in single asterisks will be *italic*

Use # to indicate headings:
# This is a top-level heading
## This is a sub-heading
### This is a smaller sub-heading

You can add links:

Create lists with asterisks:

* Item one
* Item two

Or created ordered lists with numbers:

1. Item one
2. Item two

For a more detailed guide, refer to CommonMark's help. Appizap Workflow Builder uses markdown-it, which implements the CommonMark specification.

Make images full width

You can force images to be 100% width of the sticky note by appending #full-width to the filename:

![Source example](https://<IMAGE-URL>/<IMAGE-NAME>.png#full-width)

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