Node Types

This section encompasses the node library, which serves as a comprehensive guide detailing the pre-installed nodes in Appizap Workflow Builder along with their respective authentication details.

Node operations: Triggers and Actions

In Appizap Workflow Builder, upon adding a node to a workflow, a selection of operations that can be executed is presented. These operations correspond to the functions carried out by a node, such as data retrieval or transmission. Operations can be categorized into two groups: Triggers and Actions.

Triggers initiate a workflow based on specific events or conditions in your services. When a Trigger is selected, Appizap Workflow Builder includes a trigger node in the workflow with the chosen Trigger operation pre-selected. Trigger operations can be identified by a bolt icon when searching for nodes in Appizap Workflow Builder.

Actions are operations that correspond to specific tasks within a workflow and can be used to manipulate data, execute tasks on external systems, and activate events in other systems as part of the workflow. Selecting an Action in Appizap Workflow Builder will add a node to the workflow with the chosen Action operation pre-selected.

Core nodes

Core nodes can function as either actions or triggers within the system. Although most nodes are connected to external services, core nodes provide functionalities such as logical operations, scheduling capabilities, and generic API invocations.

Cluster nodes

Cluster nodes are groups of nodes that work together to provide specialized functionality within an Appizap Workflow Builder workflow. Rather than relying on a single node, users integrate a main node with several secondary nodes to optimize the system's overall capabilities.


External services require a method for verifying and validating user identities. This information may vary from an Application Programming Interface (API) key to a combination of email and password or a lengthy, multi-line private key. These credentials can be securely stored in Appizap Workflow Builder. Nodes have the capability to request credential information. To enhance security measures, access to credentials is restricted to node types with designated access rights.

In order to enhance data security, data is stored in the database in an encrypted format. Appizap Workflow Builder utilizes a randomly generated personal encryption key, which is automatically created during the initial execution of Appizap Workflow Builder and subsequently stored in the ~/.n8n/config directory.

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