Custom API Operations

Authenticating API calls can be a challenging aspect of the setup process. Appizap Workflow Buioffers support for credentials that extend to operations and services not covered by the default nodes.

Appizap Workflow Builder offers a wide range of nodes that allow users to build workflows connecting various products. While many nodes may not encompass all the potential operations offered by a product's API, users can address this limitation by generating a custom API request through the HTTP Request node.

Appizap Workflow Builder comprises credential-only nodes, which are integrations that allow for setting up credentials specifically for use within the HTTP Request node but do not offer a separate, standalone node. Users can locate these credential-only nodes within the nodes panel, akin to other integrations available.

Predefined credential types

A predefined credential type is an existing credential in Appizap Workflow Builder. Use it in the HTTP Request node in place of generic credentials. Example - Create an Asana credential to use with the Asana node. Use the credential in the HTTP Request node if the Asana node doesn't support an operation you want to perform using Asana's API. No need for extra authentication setup.


  1. Open your HTTP Request node, or add a new one to your workflow.

  2. In Authentication, select Predefined Credential Type.

  3. In Credential Type, select the API you want to use.

  4. In Credential for <API name>, you can:

    1. Select an existing credential for that platform, if available.

    2. Select Create New to create a new credential.

Credential scopes

Certain types of credentials have defined scopes, indicating the specific endpoints they are compatible with. Appizap Workflow Builder provides a notification when users choose a credential type with such limitations. It is recommended to refer to the instructions provided and choose Google Calendar OAuth2 API as the designated Credential Type. Appizap Workflow Builder will present a list of two endpoints associated with this specific credential type in a displayed box.

Last updated