
This helps the users to deal with JS and CSS libraries. Users can pre-install external JS and CSS libraries from various trusted sources.

Default Homepage

Serves as the default app to show when the users (non-developers) login to the account. Ensure the access rights are set correspondingly.

Preload Javascript

Write the JavaScript code that can be applied to all the apps in the workspace. The code set acts as the global function library for the apps deployed.

Preload CSS

Write the style blocks that can be applied to all the apps in the workspace. The CSS acts as the global style for the apps deployed.

Javascript Library

Add the Javascript libraries that will be preloaded when the apps are initialized. These libraries will be referred from the external application sources.

In this context, a third-party library is a compiled JavaScript code saved into a single .js file and the URL to the .js file can be referred from the app. Hence, the app can be extended to use the library.

Icon DescriptionIcon

View the JavaScript file from the referenced application

Download and install the library into the workspace

The JavaScript library is ready for use

Last updated