
Self-host Lowcoder on Heroku quickly with one-click deployment.


  1. Sign up for a new Heroku account, or log in to get started.

  2. Click to start Heroku one-click deployment.

  3. Set the App name which will be part of the app URL later, and choose a region.

  4. (Not required) Fill in the Config Vars according to descriptions. These are all optional variables used for environment-specific configuration. You can skip this step and manage environment variables later.

  5. Click the Deploy app button.

It usually takes around three minutes to start the app.

Click the View button to open the new app, which should be available at https://your_app_name.herokuapp.com/.

In the welcome page, Click Sign up to get started. Lowcoder will automatically create a workspace for you. Then you can start building your apps and invite members to your workspace.

Configure app settings

On Heroku Dashboard, go to the Settings tab at the top to configure app settings.

Manage environment variables

You can manage environment variables of your app in the Config Vars section.

For more help, see Managing config vars.

Install SSL Certificates

You can configure SSL Certificates of your app in the SSL Certificates section. Heroku provides Automated Certificate Management (ACM) and Manual Certificate options.

Customize domain names

  1. Click the Add domain button in the Domains section.

  2. Copy and paste the DNS Target provided by Heroku to complete the domain setup.

For more help, see Custom Domain Names for Apps.

Update using Heroku CLI

You can use Heroku CLI to update your Docker image to the latest version. The basic logic behind the following steps is to pull the newest code from GitHub repository, build an image locally using Docker engine, and deploy the updated image using Heroku CLI. Before you start, make sure you have Heroku CLI and Docker installations locally(required).

1. Get the latest code by cloning the openblocks-dev/openblocks repository from GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/lowcoder-org/lowcoder.git

2. Move to the heroku folder.

cd openblocks/deploy/heroku

3. Log in to Heroku CLI.

heroku login

4. Make sure you have a Docker engine running locally. Then log in to Container Registry.

heroku container:login

5. Get the app name of your Heroku account.

heroku apps

6. Build the image and push it to Container Registry.

heroku container:push web -a your_app_name

7. Release the image to your app.

heroku container:release web -a your_app_name

It might take a few minutes to build the new image and push it to Heroku. Then you can open the app in your browser to check if it is running.

heroku open -a your_app_name

Last updated