DB Builder

This is the database hosted internally by the platform to build apps faster, and manage data. Appizap database requires no setup and gives users a powerful user interface for managing their data.

Table Editor

This editor panel helps users to create tables and manage their schema.

Create new table

Users can add new table into the database.



Provide a unique name for the table


A brief description of the table and the purpose


Restrict access to the table by enabling Row level security

Manage columns - New table

This interface allows users to create/update/delete columns of the table.

The interface generates the id and created_at columns by default. Users can keep them or discard them according to the need, and create new columns using the Add column button. Click the Save button to commit the work.

Below is the list of information the user will enter when creating a new column and then save the column.



Provide a unique name for the column


Select the type of the column

Default Value

Set the default value for the column when a new row is inserted into the table


Check if the column has to be the primary column of the table

Add new columns to the table using the New Column button.

Input the required fields and click the Save button to add the new column.

Add the required columns to the table the same way, using the New Column button.

In this example - the other fields like 'email', 'countryresidence', 'primarynationality', and 'alternatenationality' columns are added.

The Options button at the end of each column allows the user to Edit the column and Delete.

Manage columns - Existing table

This presents the interface for users to manage the columns of an existing table - by clicking New Column Edit Column Delete Column

Below is the list of information the user will enter when creating a new column and then saving the column.



Provide a unique name for the column


Select the type of the column

Foreign Key Relation

This will open up the list of tables where the user wants to link this column as the foreign key, and then pick the column to which the link is complete. It will show an error msg if the data types of both columns do not match

Data Type

Choose the type of the column from the list

Default Value

Set the default value for the column when the record gets inserted into the table

Is Primary Key

Check if the column has to be the primary column of the table

Allow Nullable

Set if the column can allow nullable values if no value is provided when the record is saved

Is Unique

Enforce values in the column to be unique across rows

Check Constraint

Define the rule that will check the value saved in this column meets the criteria

List of data types of the column

Data TypeDescription


Signed 2byte integer value. -32,768 to 32,767


Signed 4byte integer value. -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647


Signed 8byte integer value. -9,223,372,036,854,775,807 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


Single precision floating point number. 23 bits 8 bits


Double precision floating point number. 52 bits 11 bits


Exact numeric of selected precision


Json formatted text value


Binary Json text


Variable length characters


Variable length characters


Universally unique identifier


Calendar date format


Time of day without timezone


Time of day with timezone


Date and time without timezone


Date and time with timezone


true or false

Sort tables

This is the option to sort the table and view - by Alphabetical or Entity Type

Search tables

This is the feature to search and filter down the tables on the list.

Filter columns

This lets the user narrow down the columns they want to view/update/delete.

SQL Editor

This editor helps the user to write and run queries using SQL language. There is a result window below the query window for viewing the execution results. This serves as the query panel where the user can operate with the tables and data using SQL syntax.

Schema Visualizer

This panel displays the tables and columns as a network of schema, including the foreign key links. This helps the user to visualize the overall DB schema of the app.

Last updated