Component Specific Actions


This will shift the mouse focus out of the widget automatically. This is typically used when the focus must be shifted to another widget.


This can be used to clear the current value of the widget. It is a reset operation done on the widget technically.


This can be used to clear all the items loaded onto the widget. For example, the start and end dates are cleared when this action is called.


Clears all the comments list from the Comment widget.


Clears the default value, set on the widget. It is commonly used to clear the default string from the input type widgets, and this action can be called to clear the selection when the user wants to remove the default selection for SELECT type widgets.


Used to clear the deleted item permanently on the Comment widget.


Clears only the end value, set on the widget. For example - it clears the end time on the Time Range widget.


It deletes all the events attached to the calendar widget. As this makes the calendar events empty, this action must be called after analyzing the requirement carefully.


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Clears only the start value, set on the widget. For example - it clears the start time on the Time Range widget.


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Clears the string displayed on the widget. Used to set a new message to show on the widget dynamically. This action will be used to remove the information that was shown previously using the Text Display widget.


Clears the current value or selection from the widget. It is kind of the reset operation performed on the widget. Typically used to clear out the values loaded before.


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Clears the visible property, set previously using the 'setVisible()' action on the Modal and Drawer widgets.


Automates the mouse click event on the widget. This executes the actions that are carried out when the user clicks on the element.


Used to close the Drawer widget. This can be used in the scenario where the user wants to close the drawer just after the information captured is submitted.


Used to close the Modal widget. This can be used in the scenario where the user wants to close the modal just after the information captured is submitted.


It is the opposite of the selection action on the Multi Select widget. This method removes the current selection from the Multi Select widget.


Makes the widget a read-only element on the screen, and the user cannot work with the widget thereafter.


Sets the focus on the widget and highlights the control. It is used to set focus on input types fields often, to give users the focus to enter or edit the value.


Makes the widget invisible, thus hiding the element from the screen. The users will not be able to see the widget and make any changes.


This action opens up an existing Drawer widget. This will, in turn, display all the controls placed on the drawer.


This action opens up an existing Modal widget. This will, in turn, display all the controls placed on the modal.


It is usually called on Forms when the user wants to get the widget back to its initial state. This action resets the form and its elements.


This action is same as the 'reset()' method, and it is specific to range-type widgets. It resets both the start and end values when it is called.


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It clears out the default value specified for the widget. This means there is no default value associated with the element until a new value is assigned to the widget as default.


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This action is related to the range-type widgets which have the start and end values. It resets only the end value, without disturbing the start value.


The user can call this action to reset the events on the calendar widget. The element is set back to its initial state after the action is complete.


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Sets the row and column selections, done by the user, back to the original state. This action removes the selection made by the user on the Table widget.


This action is related to the range-type widgets which have the start and end values. It resets only the start value, without disturbing the end value.


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This is specific to the Text Display widget, where this action clears and resets the string text displayed to its original value.


It is the most commonly available method and can be applied to most of the widgets. This action removes the current value or selection, and resets to the original value or selection.


Resets the visibility of the Modal and Drawer widgets. Assigns the visibility property to its original state, either True or False. This decides whether to show or hide the widget.


This automates the selection of the value on the widget. As a result, the value is selected automatically for the user to work on. It is mostly called on the input type widgets.


When using the Multi Select widget, the user can call this action to select a particular value from the list of options attached to the element.


Pass a valid JSON array using this action and set the fields for the form widget. This will be used to define the fields and values of the form dynamically.


The user can call this action and set a default value to the widget and load the widget on to the screen. It is one of the sample scenarios, and this method will be useful to define a default value to the widget before the user calls the widget to the screen.


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Used to assign only the end value to the range-type widgets. The start value on the widget is not disturbed. This can be used when the max limit for the range widget is changed and the user wants to set a new end value.


Provide the valid JSON array that contains the events and related details to this action, and that will load the Calendar with the events provided.


It is related to the Table widget and the parameter passed will be used as the filter, and the action filters the table data with filter parameter.


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Calling this action by passing the page number as the parameter will take the user to the mentioned page number on the widget.


This action is used to replace a particular string on the widget. The user will need to pass the start index, end index numbers along with the replacement text to overwrite the existing value, from the start index to the end index mentioned.


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The Table widget can be sorted by a column using this action programmatically. The user needs to pass the following parameters.



Provide the valid column name that is part of the table column list


A boolean value to decide whether the sorting is done in descending order or ascending order


Used to assign only the start value to the range-type widgets. The end value on the widget is not disturbed. This can be used when the minimum limit for the range widget is changed and the user wants to set a new start value.


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When the user wants to set a new text to be displayed on the widget, the user can call this action by passing the new text. It can be used on the button and text display widgets.


It is a common action to most of the input type widgets where the users can pass the new value to set on the widget. The value must be in the format accepted by the widget type. The Input type widget expects a string whereas the Number Input widget expects a number value.


The 'value' parameter passed to call this action must be a boolean string true/false.The user can call this action to set the visibility for the widget, either to show that on the screen or hide it.


The 'value' parameter passed to call this action must be a boolean string true/false. The user can call this action to set the visibility for the pop-up-type widgets, to the modal on the screen or to hide it.


The user can programmatically submit the details collected on the form widget using this action.

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